CentacareCQ Emerald Region - EMERALD

They are located at: 141 Egerton Street in EMERALD, Queensland (4720).
They have a focus on: Assistive Technology, Continence Advisory, Dementia, Hearing, Mental Health, Mobility, Vision, Wellness and reablement.
They also have an additional focus on the following group(s): Care leavers, Focus on socially and financially disadvantaged people, People who live in rural or remote areas, Specific services for ATSI people, Specific services for LGBTI people, Specific services for people with CALD backgrounds, Specific services for veterans.
Their profile includes contact information, their phone number, address, driving directions, ratings and reviews, website, and more.

Driving Directions
CentacareCQ Emerald Region
141 Egerton Street
EMERALD, Queensland 4720
Get mobile directions from where you are:
or enter a starting address:

Phone Number: +611300523985
Email: ccsintaketeam@centacare.net
Website: https://www.centacarecq.com
CentacareCQ Emerald Region Location
CentacareCQ Emerald Region Location
They describe themselves as follows:
"Our Home Care Packages provide a broad range of support services designed and tailored to meet your individual needs. We work in partnership with you to ensure greater choice in services, and in how they are delivered to you. Call today on 1300 523 985 for more information."
Levels of care Available
Home Care Level 1
Home Care Level 2
Home Care Level 3
Home Care Level 4

EMERALD CentacareCQ Emerald Region Reviews

CentacareCQ Emerald Region Reviews and Ratings
Average Rating

0 out of 5 stars from 0 reviews.

Average Customer Star Rating
centacarecq emerald region 141 egerton street emerald


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Aged In Home Care in EMERALD
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