They are located at: 27 Clarendon Avenue in BETHANIA, Queensland (4205).
They have a focus on: Assistive Technology, Continence Advisory, Dementia, Hearing, In-home respite care, Mental Health, Mobility, People with terminal illness, Vision, Wellness and reablement.
They also have an additional focus on the following group(s): Care leavers, Focus on socially and financially disadvantaged people, Specific services for people with CALD backgrounds, Specific services for veterans.
Their profile includes contact information, their phone number, address, driving directions, ratings and reviews, website, and more.
Jeta Gardens Homecare
27 Clarendon Avenue
BETHANIA, Queensland 4205
Get mobile directions from where you are:
or enter a starting address:
Phone Number: +610732006888
Fax Number: +610732999233
They describe themselves as follows:
"Jeta Gardens an experienced, quality provider operating a number of level 1, 2, 3 and 4 Home Care Packages under the requirements of Consumer Directed Care. We provide services focusing on wellness, independence and quality of life. We believe providing extra social and support services allows you to remain secure and independent for longer. Recipients of a Home Care Package have a wide range of choices and involvement on how and when your package of care is delivered and is tailored to meet your requirements and lifestyle.
Our friendly and professional staff can support you with:
Allied Health Services
Personal Care
Domestic Assistance
Social Support
Case Management
Gardening and Home Maintenance
Staff able to communicate in various Asian languages
As our client, you are given priority if you desire to move into our retirement village, which offers peace of mind and security."
Culture, Religions, and Languages Spoken
Australian, Bosnian, Chinese, Chinese Asian, Croatian, Dutch, Egyptian, English, Fijian, Filipino, French Canadian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indian, Indian Tamil, Indonesian, Iranian, Iraqi, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Jewish, Khmer (Cambodian), Korean, Lao, Lebanese, Libyan, Macedonian, Mainland South-East Asian, Maltese, Maori, Melanesian and Papuan, Micronesian, Moroccan, Nepalese, New Zealander, North American, Pakistani, Papua New Guinean, Polish, Polynesian, Russian, Serbian, Sri Lankan, Tahitian, Tongan, Torres Strait Islander, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Western European
Anglican, Baptist, Buddhism, Catholic, Christian, Churches of Christ, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Japanese Religions, Lutheran, Oriental Orthodox, Other Christian, Other Protestant, Pentecostal, Taoism, Uniting Church, Wesleyan Methodist Church
Additional Languages Spoken:
Cantonese, Chinese, English, Mandarin
Levels of care Available
Home Care Level 1
Home Care Level 2
Home Care Level 3
Home Care Level 4