They are located at: 45 MINCHINTON Street in CALOUNDRA, Queensland (4551).
They have a focus on: Assistive Technology, Continence Advisory, Dementia, Hearing, In-home respite care, Mental Health, Mobility, People with terminal illness, Vision, Wellness and reablement.
They also have an additional focus on the following group(s): Focus on socially and financially disadvantaged people, People who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, People who live in rural or remote areas, Specific services for LGBTI people, Specific services for people with CALD backgrounds, Specific services for veterans.
Their profile includes contact information, their phone number, address, driving directions, ratings and reviews, website, and more.
MiCare Sunshine Coast QLD (HCP)
CALOUNDRA, Queensland 4551
Get mobile directions from where you are:
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Phone Number: +611300064064
They describe themselves as follows:
"Our difference at MiCare, we understand your culture and why you want to be amongst people who speak your language. We know how important it is to be understood and because of this, we match staff to your language and cultural needs. Almost all our staff speak another language and have a non English speaking background. Let us know what you want and how we can make it happen.
If your home is the place you want to be at MiCare, we help you to live at home independently and you can choose from a range of services that will help you do this. We understand how important it is for you to keep doing things for yourself and will be guided by you as to how much care and support you would like.
With case management you decide how much help you would like in organising and booking your services which will be listed in what we call your care plan
Culture, Religions, and Languages Spoken
American, Anglo-Burmese, Australian, Australian Aboriginal, Australian South Sea Islander, Austrian, Belgian, Bengali, Bosnian, Brazilian, British, Burmese, Chinese, Chinese Asian, Croatian, Dutch, Egyptian, English, Filipino, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indian, Indian Tamil, Italian, Korean, Lebanese, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, New Zealander, Nigerian, Polish, Punjabi, Russian, Serbian, Sri Lankan, Sri Lankan Tamil, Sudanese, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
Anglican, Baptist, Buddhism, Catholic, Churches of Christ, Eastern Orthodox, Hinduism, Islam, Jehovahs Witnesses, Judaism, Latter-day Saints, Lutheran, Oriental Orthodox, Other Christian, Other Protestant, Pentecostal, Presbyterian and Reformed, Salvation Army, Seventh-day Adventist, Uniting Church
Additional Languages Spoken:
Arabic, Cantonese, Croatian, Greek, Italian, Mandarin, Polish, Spanish, Vietnamese
Levels of care Available
Home Care Level 1
Home Care Level 2
Home Care Level 3
Home Care Level 4