Ozcare Rockhampton - ROCKHAMPTON

They are located at: 87 Alma Street in ROCKHAMPTON, Queensland (4700).
They have a focus on: Assistive Technology, Continence Advisory, Dementia, In-home respite care, Mobility, People with terminal illness, Wellness and reablement.
They also have an additional focus on the following group(s): Focus on socially and financially disadvantaged people, Parents separated from their children by forced adoption or removal, People who live in rural or remote areas, Specific services for ATSI people, Specific services for LGBTI people, Specific services for people with CALD backgrounds, Specific services for veterans.
Their profile includes contact information, their phone number, address, driving directions, ratings and reviews, website, and more.

Driving Directions
Ozcare Rockhampton
87 Alma Street
ROCKHAMPTON, Queensland 4700
Get mobile directions from where you are:
or enter a starting address:

Phone Number: +611800692273
Email: administration.rockhampton@ozcare.org.au
Website: https://www.ozcare.org.au/aged-care/home-care/
Ozcare Rockhampton Location
Ozcare Rockhampton Location
They describe themselves as follows:
"Live independently in your home with a package of care, services and case management that allows you to have a say about what is important to you and the type of care you want to receive. Whatever your needs, our care team of carers, nurses, allied health professionals and dementia specialists look at every aspect of your care to create a flexible plan that gives you value for money and a provider you can count on. We will support you with an individual care plan created together with you and your family. We also make sure that you continue to see familiar faces for each of your appointments so you can get to know your carers and feel comfortable with them. Our services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click here to learn more about our Home Care Packages "
Culture, Religions, and Languages Spoken
Australian, Australian Aboriginal, Greek, Italian
Agnosticism, Catholic, Other Christian, Other Protestant

Levels of care Available
Home Care Level 1
Home Care Level 2
Home Care Level 3
Home Care Level 4

ROCKHAMPTON Ozcare Rockhampton Reviews

Ozcare Rockhampton Reviews and Ratings
Average Rating

0 out of 5 stars from 0 reviews.

Average Customer Star Rating
ozcare rockhampton 87 alma street rockhampton


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Aged In Home Care in ROCKHAMPTON
The following ROCKHAMPTON in home care providers are lso available:
Ozcare Rockhampton
87 Alma Street